Soil Moisture Sense has worked with Pessl Instruments for over 20 years and we have found their stations to provide high quality and reliable data for many years, giving a low cost of ownership over the lifetime of a station.
The stations themselves are easy to deploy, powered by battery and solar panel. Your data, transmitted via the mobile phone network, can be freely viewed either via the web or mobile versions of FieldClimate.
Pessl Instruments are renowned for innovation. Their latest generation of products also have the option of LoRa and NBIoT connectivity enabling multiple stations to be deployed with minimum operating costs.
For general monitoring iMETOS® 3.3 - The iMETOS® IMT are robust and reliable weather stations. Perfect as a main weather station for a site, providing good long term records.
The iMETOS® can also send SMS Alarms (user-defined via Internet) to alert you in cases of frost, intense rain, high temperature and more.
Data is regularly uploaded to FieldClimate platform where you can access it from any place at any time in real-time. Along with accessing the historical data and daily evapotranspiration values, you can also take advantage of decision support solutions like localised weather forecast, disease models and irrigation management.
iMETOS®; ECO D3 – Ideal for either stand alone monitoring or being used in conjunction with a full IMT 3.3 weather station to expand your monitoring network. These stations can also be used to run localised weather forecasts, disease models and irrigation management ( when equipped with soil moisture probes).
iMETOS® ECO D3 – Typical setup - rain gauge & 60cm Sentek Drill & Drop Probe (other options available)
CropVIEW® - Daily high quality images from the field- wide angle and zoom
LORAIN – Rain gauge sending data using LoRa- ideal for small area networking
iMETOS® ECO D3 - Typical setup - rain gauge & 60cm or 90cm Sentek Drill & Drop Probe (other options available)
CropVIEW® - High quality images from remote sites - allows measurement of fruit throughout the growing season
iMETOS® ECO D3 - Typical setup – run off and water applied, Choice of Sentek probes (10cm – 90cm), pH & EC, temp/RH
LORATH – RH/temp sensor sending data with LoRa- ideal for high density of sensors over a small area
CropVIEW® - High quality images- track growth through the season and enables you to look back visually at the history when reviewing performance